Club Update 10/31/19
Our Meetings will now be held on the Second Wednesday of each Month starting in November. And for the foreseeable future, they will be held at Strafford Police Department. Their lower level is setup with a good size meeting room that will allow us to conduct a quiet meeting, as well as increase the number of members attending.
We have decided to make the change from Nippo due to the noise level and distractions that have resulted from the remodel of their restaurant area.
As the season moves on we can as a group decide if this new location is working to our benefit..
Topics for this upcoming meeting will be:
- Trail work updates
- Equipment improvements
- Christmas in Strafford
- Online memberships
We have purchased 2 New Tracks for the Blazer, new 7″ night vision camera to be able to monitor and watch the drag in clear view. And the Skandics are going through their seasonal checks to make sure they are ready to go.
We are looking for a great turnout at our next meeting Wednesday November 13th, the meeting will begin begin at 7PM.
The station will be open at 6, our plan is to get tables setup etc, so we can get started on time. We have a good amount of club business to work through before the snow sets in.
One last thing, our Grant for the wild goose pond trail improvement was approved and its our main project to get accomplished.
See ya at the PD !!