November 21, 2010
By Chris Maloy 11-21-2010
On Thursday, October 28th the club held its first Social of the season. We had a fantastic turnout and thank the members of the Northwood Crank Pullers for their attendance. We are grateful to have the support of our neighboring clubs.
At this time, past members should have received their membership forms in the mail. If you have not received one, please contact a club officer or go to the website for information on how you can get a form. Several local snowmobile dealers have the forms also, such as Bickford’s in Epsom, Rochester Sports Center in Barrington and Morrison’s in Madbury.
During Christmas in Strafford, on Saturday, December 4th, the club will be holding several raffles and have Swamp Stomper merchandise available at our booth at the Bow Lake Grange. Stop by for your chance to win items from local area businesses as well as free memberships. Anyone signing up for their membership that day will receive one free raffle ticket for the club raffles. NHSA Super Raffle tickets to benefit the Association and affiliated clubs will also be available. Prizes for that raffle include a 2011 Polaris 600 PRO R Snowmobile, 6 days/5 night midweek all exclusive pkg. at the Tall Timer Lodge & Rainbow Grille in Pittsburgh, NH, $1000 gas card and $500 gas card from Irving Oil Company. Only 12,500 tickets will be sold. We will have the sled on display for you to see. You can purchase your tickets for only $5.00 each from Strafford Swamp Stompers President, Shawn Barry or contact the NHSA office at 273-0220. The drawing is on February 6, 2011.
At our November meeting, we had Joe Gorman, as guest speaker. Joe is the Strafford County Director for NHSA. We thank Joe for the answers to all the questions we presented to him and also for his time to come speak with our group.
The next club meeting will be on Thursday, December 9th at Nippo Lake Golf Club @ 7:00 PM. The Social in December will be on Friday, December 17th for our Holiday Party. It will once again, be held at the home of members Pat & Chris Maloy. It will be BYOB and you are asked to bring an appetizer or dessert. There will also be a traditional Yankee Swap, so take a look in your attic, basement, closets and shed for your unwanted junk, it could be another mans treasure!! You can RSVP by Tuesday, December 14th if you will be attending. Contact number is 664-6077 or e-mail to